Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week 8 and 9!!

Sorry i didn't update last week! I ended up with an impacted colon (ugh) and felt horrible! I have had some nausea, no throwing up, but definitely not feeling great. Today has been the first day I've felt pretty good in over a week so...

here we go!
and even though they say it's way to early, I have been feeling little fluttery feelings in the right area! only a couple times, just in the last couple days. I'm generally very intune with my body so I bet that's why I noticed it. We have our ultrasound on Friday morning!!!!!! (we are super excited!)

so what has the baby been doing the last two weeks??? Here's the answer!

ok so... I know I failed last week to post the updates, and as of today I'm 9 weeks (63 days!) so... here we go!



Week Eight: Starts to practice moving

* The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
* Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
* The feet and hand buds have appeared.
* Starts to practice moving
* The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
* The face is beginning to take shape.
* Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
* Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
* The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.

The arms and legs continue to develop.The embryonic tail has almost disappeared.

The pituitary gland is also forming and the embryo is beginning to grow muscle fibers. The heart has divided into the right and left chambers and is beating about 150 beats a minute which is about twice the rate of an adult.

The baby's facial features are visible, including a mouth and tongue. The eyes have a retina and lens. The major muscle system is developed, and the baby starts to practice moving. The baby has its own blood type and the blood cells are produced by the liver now instead of the yolk sac.


9 weeks

Week 9: Fingers and Toes form

You are in week nine of pregnancy. (seven weeks from conception)

* The embryo has grown to measure 30 mm (1.2 inches) in length.
* The fingers and toes are well defined. Cartilage and bones begin to form.
* The upper lip as well as the nose tip is being formed.
* The tongue begins to develop and the larynx is developing.
* The eyelids are developed, although they stay closed for several months.
* The main construction of the heart is complete.

During this week of pregnancy your baby is now swimming round in a little bag of fluid. The arms and legs have lengthened. They fingers and toes are forming, but are still joined by webs of skin. They can flex their elbows and wrists. They are growing eyelids as well as forming their anus. The embryo is protected by the amniotic sac that is filled with fluid. Inside the embryo swims and moves gracefully. The baby is now about 1 inch long.

During this time of development, the baby's head appears much larger than the body because the brain is growing very rapidly. Brain waves can now be measured. The main construction of the heart is complete. Through its parchment thin skin, the baby's veins are clearly visible. During this week the ears, the teeth and the palate are continuing to form.

now tell me that isn't amazing!!