Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pic catch up lol...

ok so I know I haven't updated for a bit and I'm sorry! I'm now 25 weeks (26 tomorrow!) and loving it! I think I'm one of the few women who truly loves being pregnant. Every part of it, even the heartburn! (yes folks I finally have SOMETHING to complain about lol) Other than heartburn and an ever dissapearing bellybutton... I've been changing in other ways too.
My boobs have of course grown again! GEEZ guys seriously, you'd think they're expecting to feed an army! My tummy is getting rounder and rounder which I love. So far.....No stretch marks! Not a one! I've had little ones on my hips for years, and those don't seem to be getting any worse either thank God.

And I've only had one episode of it but... mood swing.

Oh lord poor Billy last week! (thursday to be exact) I had been cleaning and building web pages on my day off, felt really accomplished. He woke up and when I asked him to help with stuff he did. Then I went to the kitchen and saw that the dog food bag was still sitting on the floor. Now why in Heavens name this of all things set me off I'll never know. So I get all huffy, pick up the bag and start pouring it into the container. Billy starts to exclaim " what are you doing?!? that's over 30lbs!! stop! put it down!"

my rational responce? "If I don't do it it'll never get done, no one does anything around here, ect ect ect" and BOY did I blow up. Slamming things, yelling like mad for the next 15 minutes...and then lol.. the coup de gras...


which is hysterical because Billy is always telling me how much he loves me how much he appreciates what I do ect ect. He gives me foot rubs every night if I want them, brings me milk for heartburn, takes care of the dogs, ect. He just doesn't clean like I do, big whoop! He is amazing so I think it's so funny that the insult I could think of was TOTALLY invalid. lol.

Now for this half hour I rant, rave, cry, ect. Mind you about 5 mins into this I realize that none of this is valid and that I have no idea why I feel the way I do at ALL. So in between my bitching and yelling, I'm crying and saying "I hate feeling like this, I know none of this is real, I just can't help it I'm so mad and upset and I know I have no reason to be ... but I can't stop it. " and then bitching some more. Seriously, a three year old would be put to shame by the temper tantrum I was having!

this whole time Billy is laying on the bed silent.. just riding it out. I stand there finally, my fists at my sides, tears on my face, lips stuck out, and in a quiet little voice say " I don't like this".

well that did it, he cracks a big smile tell ms to come here and holds me while I curl up on his chest like a 4 year old all quiet crying about how I hate not being in control of my emotions. And we both end up laughing about how ridiculous I was being. And I knew it the whole time too! That's part of what made it so funny! In between ranting sentences I'm appologizing and recanting everything I had just said. lol.

THANK GOD I"VE ONLY HAD ONE!!!!! and please Lord, I ask you, NEVER AGAIN!!!!
It was HORRIBLE!! and some women do that daily?!! God bless their friends and family!

Other than that, I just continue to work full time and started playing World of Warcraft again.. which I REALLY missed!!!

My sister has been starting and stopping labor the last few days so that's been the big excitement lately. Can't wait to meet little Delilah! :) C'mon kiddo!!

Aurora is getting really big, as of today she is about 1.7 to 1.8lbs and 14" long!
all of her systems are developed and in place, a perfect little mini person!
She's moving LOTS and boy can you see and feel it! She responds to all kinds of sounds now and amazes me daily with her responces. It's just little reminders that she is already her own person! with her own tastes and desires.

My favorite thing is laying on the couch and watching/feeling her kick and roll and wiggle. She stretches a LOT! I can feel her down by my pubic bone at the same time that I feel her a few inches above my belly button now! So big!! WOW!
OH, and guess how big my uterus is now?
just guess..
here's a hint.. it was smaller than a baseball pre pregnancy.

Give up?

a volleyball. I have a volleyball inside my stomach.

I'm officially a walking sports center.

in addition to being a coruncoipia of fruit/vegetables, seeing as how she is now the size of a rutebega. Photobucket
Heck at this point I'm almost more of a vegan kitchen!

ok so pics of what the baby looks like right now:
week 25 faceweek 25/26 body


and what I look like now! ack! lol,jk.. I loves it!

and week 24:

and at 23 weeks:

and here's what I looked like at 21 weeks:

growin quite a bit!