She is approximately between 19.5 and 20.5 inches now and weighs between 5.5 and 6.5 lbs! Holy canolies, seriously I couldn't be more excited! The only thing that is still happening other than weight/length is that her immune system is still growing stronger.
As for me, I'm still loving it believe it or not! I still adore her moving around and watching her play... it's funny I'm so excited to hold her, kiss her, smell her... but I am really going to miss having her inside me.
I thought it'd be fun to list all the not so fun and cool "symptoms" that a lot of preggo women go through and how much I've had them on a scale of 1-10. :)
so here we go:
not so fun stuff:
- nausea maybe a 1? some sents made me loose my appetite. But yeah that's it. Never threw up, never got sick, ect ect..
- tender breasts 2.5 at the very begining. As long as I didn't hit them they didn't hurt! and not even Billy messing with them hurt, just a touch tender. :)
- copper taste in the mouth 1.5 for the first few weeks, then 0.
- food aversions maybe a 1? actually I think not at all, but I might be forgetting a time or 2.
- cravings 2.5 I have always been a craver, so it wasn't out of the ordinary for me, I mean I did crave things, but not anything new or strange except for the first few weeks I wanted hot sauce!
- shortness of breath 0. that's right, I've not had issues with it!
- kicks in the ribs .5 I mean twice ever she stuck a foot up there, and moved it right away when I asked her to.
- blurred vision/spots 0.
- swelling of the ankles 3.5-5 at one point for a week was REALLY bad, like a 5 and it didn't go away for a few days then it went away and didn't come back at ALL for 4 months. and just the last couple weeks I've had some swelling but nothing terrible. maybe a 2 overall.
- itchy skin 0.
- stretch marks 0. YUP NONE!! Whoo hoo!! I totally blame Celtrixa, this stuff I've been using since I found out I was preggo. It is amazing! None on my belly, hips, or breasts!
- larger breasts. 7.5 seriously I went from a 34 B to a 34/36 D. I say doubling is a pretty significant increase.
- leaking breasts. .5 I get the little "crusty" thing in the cracks but no actual leaking. Unless I try to get some out of course.
- preggo brain, aka MASSIVE forgetfulness, loss of train of thought, ect. 6.5-7 Yeah, I forget halfway through a conversation sometimes what I'm talking about. And I can't multitask ANYWHERE like I used to. I also get distracted so so easily now. And it has been proggressive lol. I'm at a 7 or so now I think.
- Heartburn between 4 and 8 depending on the point in pregnancy. I had none until 6 months, then for a month it was SOOOO bad, a solid 8 at least 4 hours a day.. and then nothing really for a couple months, and then now again it's a 4. Some days are worse than others but it hasn't been terrible in over a month.
- back pain 0. actually less than pre pregnancy I think. Until maybe today, but that's cause everything is shifting majorly right now.
- nesting 8. Once it finally hit, this last week, I got it bad.. it may actually be worse. It may be a 9.. I'm wanting to clean EVERYTHING and get EVERYTHING in order!
- mood swings 1. I have had two and both were HORRID, but to only have 2 in 9.5 months isn't too bad I don't think! and I was aware I was out of line and irrational and I appologized immediatly following and during lol
- sleep issues 3. Just the last few weeks really because I'm having to get up to pee so much and she wakes me up and I can't sleep through it.
- peeing every 2 seconds 2. Not at all till 7 months, then it was only a couple times a night.. but the last few weeks! ACK! I'm getting up 4 times a night at least now!
cool stuff:
- her moving around 10. she is seriously a future cirque du soliel member!
- feeling her early 10. I felt her around 11 weeks consistantly. REALLY feeling her by 14 weeks
- hubby being involved and playing/talking to her 10. I got really lucky in this! He has been amazing really and truly.
- belly shape 8.5-9. I have hardly gained any mass anywhere but in my belly and it's been firm the whole time! I have had a great round shape the majority of the time and i have been so excited everytime it grows more!
- appreciating my body more 8. I love my body now and am so amazed at what it can do!