Friday, June 12, 2009


these were taken at 13 weeks, 6 days. Enjoy!!

13 weeks 6 days face

I think she has my nose so far..

13 weeks 6 days legs!

that highlighted line is the LEGS "she" was THAT stretched out in there! And look how much room is still left in there?!?!

13 weeks 6 days teeth



stretching and waving

13 weeks 6 days stretching

those lines are the legs again (they go out of frame, that's how long they are!)
and the arms are up by the head, stretching again!

whoops Week 14 baby pics

Week 14
week 14 in utero
"she" is now 3.5" from head to butt... PLUS legs! so that means her body is this long:

the size of a samsung flip phone! now add on the legs! WOW!

I have been feeling lots of movement the last couple weeks, and it gets stronger everyday!
oh, and her legs are MUCH longer than the child in this photo. Yup, that's my kid!

Week 12
week 12 in utero
this is where I first really started to feel distinguishable movement.

week 14

so I have been horrible about updating. In all fairness I have a good excuse! From May 7th to the 19th, my sister was in ICU with hantavirus.. which means I was living there and in no mind set to update. and then on the 21st we left for our second honeymoon for 18 days! Which was wonderful and we had many baby "firsts" while we were there! I am now, as of yesterday, a full 14 weeks! And there have been MANY advancements by our little blueberry! I'll start listing 'em now:

*all the teeth are in the jaw!
*the abdomen has fully closed and the intestines are fully working
*not only can "she" hear, but also is starting to recognize voices!
*moving, rolling, kicking, jumping, and stretching out has been happening for a few weeks, and
I've been able to feel it for a couple weeks now! Billy even got to feel it a couple times!
*"breathing" is happening. The lungs are breathing anmiotic fluid now, practicing and
strengthening for real breathing.
*the eyes have sealed over, and won't open again until much later in the pregnancy.
*the ears are right about where they should be on the head.
*sucking, and "discovery" with the hands has been going on a couple weeks. (we saw in the ultrasound, "she" likes touching her face and resting her arms on her head)
*"she" can be startled now, and "jump"
*grasping and clenching is the newest fun thing to do with our hands.
*starting this week, "she" can taste and savor my meals! I think this might have started a week
or two ago, cause she's happy and wiggly every time I eat ethnic food lol

what's going on with me:
*still super healthy!
*still haven't had a "hard" pregnancy. I had almost no queasyness to begin with, and now there
is none. Tiny tiny bit of heartburn here and there, but not terrible.
*I have a BUMP!

Week 12
12 weeks

Week 13
13 weeks too


Week 14!!!!
week 14 front

I have been sooo blessed with everything!

during our trip I walked a minimum of 4 miles a day, some days up to 10! I felt great, and my body fat percentage has lowered so I'm getting healthier! It's funny before I got pregnant I weighed 142, I now weigh 136! haha, and the Dr. says it's great, the baby is uber healthy, I'm uber healty, and my uterus is MORE than growing enough! Turns out not only did I inherit my mothers tilted (or retrograde uterus-which makes birth waaayy easy, and lets you feel movement earlier!) but I also inherited her "waterbed" gene. When she was pregnant with me, I could still turn and roll around at 9 months. Well, our little one can completely stretch out with no effort needed and has TONS of room to swim around. :) I love inheriting stuff like this!

My plan right now is to start walking at home at least once a day (walking the dogs of course so they'll be happy!) and starting the prenatal yoga. I am determined to be as healthy as possible when our little one arrives!

Billy is doing great! Getting more and more excited every day. He sings and talks to the baby everyday, and "she" loves his voice! The baby moves closer to him everytime he does it. I LOVE seeing him get excited over the whole thing. And he's been awesome towards me. I try not to take advantage of it, but he's always willing to grab me stuff from the other room, or carry things for me, or help me with chores now. It's so sweet! But I promised him I'd try my best not to take advantage of it too much. :)

So, I guess that's it for this post, I'll post the ultrasound pics next!