Saturday, September 5, 2009

Week 26

ok so I'm back to weekly updates, I swear! alot happened during week 25..
I got a new niece! Delilah Elizabeth Marie Mackey was born on the 3rd at 10:07am. And she is beautiful! I miss the "belly bond" that I had with my sister.. but in just three short months I'll have the "mommy bond" with her. So I can wait for that I'm sure. :)

Watching Delilah being born was like watching Jasmine being born all over again, an overwhelming sense of love and devotion that is topped only by my feelings for my husband. Amazingly I know that that is absolutely nothing in comparison to what I will feel for Aurora. It's funny, I can't wait for her to be here and yet I also love the connection I have with her inside me. Sometimes it's a little bit of a tug of war for me, I want her here now but I also want to be pregnant with her forever. Well you know what I mean. Have that constant connection with her.

I'm starting to make some changes in my life too. I'm starting to get very nesty of course, but I'm also starting to get more organized about maintaining the house. Picking a day a week to fully clean and trying to do "pick up" in two rooms a day. That way it's only a little bit of work that I can easily do. Also starting to try and manage my time better. Friends, work, and training all has it's place but I think that I have often bitten off far more than I can chew. I am looking at dropping my second job so I have a little more time for my training. Also going to try and have one day a week for a "friends" day and maybe host a tea and cake thing at my house weekly to catch up and then have poker nights ect. as they come up. That way I still get my time with friends but dont' feel overwhelmed by it. Hope it works!

SO enough of the boring stuff about me and my life!

What is the baby doing right now you ask?

aside from kicking and wiggling all the time, here are the weekly stats:

*she is over 2 pounds!! AHHH!!!! milestone!
*15" long too! (at least) which is longer than an english cucumer. (I ask you, who measures according to an english cucumber? really? we couldn't find a more common item folks? really? what about a loaf of bread? something? no? oh well)
*ears are still getting more and more sensitive, she responds to all kinds of noises now!
*lungs and brain are continuing to strengthen and the brain is storing new info and sounds in the memory banks! Pretty cool huh?
*her sense of balance is well developed and she is heavy enough to be affected by my movements (laying on a side ect.. will move her now)
*IF she were to be born now her survival chances would be over 80%.. which is 40% more than it was when my mom was pregnant with me. Amazing what advances in medicine have come along! But don't worry she'll be cooking for a long time still. 3 more months!

I'm officially mostly done with the dreaded 2 month 6th month. lol.. at 24 weeks you "should" be going into the third trimester but instead you stay in the second for ANOTHER 4 weeks. Hence the 9 month pregnancy that is really a 10 month ordeal. Sigh... oh well.