oh! we also went and did the registry at Target (going to do one more at Walmart so people have options) and that has definitely helped me feel a bit more accomplished in the planning part. Also got the birth plan all in order!
As far as baby goes, "she's" moving around a bit, but more stretching than anything else lately. We've started playing sounds for her and we're going to put some music on an MP3 player today and start doing the headphones thing. :)
New Milestones:
*can hear and recognize voices/sounds
*can see light through the belly (can put a flashlight up and she'll move)
*whole body is covered in Lanugo, a fine hair that covers the body until the 8th
month of pregnancy.
*can compeltely flex/bend elbows, knees, wrists
*over 4" long!!! (from head to butt)
*bones are getting more dense and growing rapidly
*"breathing" amniotic fluid is a constant act now.. go lungs!
*and is starting to produce bile....ewww....lol
oh yeah! and we have had our vocal cords for three weeks now!
basically, our little one is really growing fast!!! she's the size of an APPLE now! heck, last week it was a lemon... ya know if this fruit comparisson thing keeps up, I'm going to end up having a gift basket! oh well, at least it's something we can measure right?