Monday, August 23, 2010

First Adventure in Baby Food Making

ok so I KNOW I need to catch up on the last 8 months, and I am going to! One month per day for the next week :) But I had to share this since I actually got it done lol

so homemade baby food! An adventure I embarked on with a feeling of being both Martha Stewart and Julia Child. Only I'm nicer than Martha and it's not nearly as fancy at what Julia did. But still, I felt empowered, womanly... I felt like MOTHER. And that feeling continued as I bought the steamer, bought the veggies, sliced them... heck that feeling is still there!

First I got the broccoli washed all the while Aurora is in her swing watching me and listening to my long winded explanation of what I was doing and what color broccoli is and what it does for you (bless her for looking attentive!) then as I tore off the individual florrets and some of the stalk into the steam tray and placed the cover I felt a sense of "AHA! I'm doing something!".
We walked to the living room and played. 15 minutes later, "DING!" and the broccoli was ready for me to transform it into amazing goop. Now let me tell you, steam is hot. Just in case any of the rest of you forgot it like I did. So, one broccoli steam facial later, I have placed the broccoli with some breastmilk in the Magic Bullet.
Now first off I want to say THANK YOU to whomever invented the Magic Bullet. No lie. I have used it over the years, but never have I been so amazed at how quickly, thouroughly, and easily it does stuff! 6 seconds of whiirrrrrring later, we have perfectly purreed baby food! Now for the official test...


She loved it!

Bolstered anew by her approval I hastened to peel and cut up the zuccini. And might I say that zuccini may be the easiest veggie ever to prep. Took like 9 seconds to peel.ANyway, Bam! in the steamer! I waited excitedly for the "DiNG!" and sang to Aurora about Zuccini wonders as I blended up our newest creation. Her taste test= thrilled! Yay! On to the last culinary adventure of the day... the Eggplant

I confidently pick up the purple monstrosity and get my peeler into the "attack position"... and am promptly laughed at by said purple beast. Now, I have never cooked eggplant. But I did not know they had advanced defense mechanism known as "rubber skin". Seriously, you cannot peel these things! Trust me I tried, much to my daughters ammusement. and I failed. OH did I fail. Finally i gave up and got out the trusty Chef Knife. Let's see that tough veggie stand up to it! As predicited, my knife won. At this point the novelty of watching mommy become a culinary master lost it's luster. And the grin-y babbelling gave way to the wails of a very done child. As I attempted to sing and do silly voices while carving up the eggplant I realized it was NOT working and I had about 3 minutes till total meltdown. I raced to chop that sucker like no other... and then realized I was totally off on my "3 minute" timer. She lost it about 1 minute later. So to the tune of tears I finished my chopping and tossed it all in the steamer, threw the switch and grabbed my child. Who promptly stopped crying and grinned at me. Geez I'm a sucker!

Fast forward 20 mins ( a full eggplant needed to cook longer) we had a tray of funny looking veggie. It's a weird blend of ivory, purple, green, it's gritty and has a weird foam look...kinda like an odd clay/paint experiment gone bad. But I digress. I blended that up (and made the mistake of tasting it.. bleh!) and gave her a try, again Success! However as I put it in the ice cube trays, I got the banshie again. Although the wails of a cranky child will motivate you to move at lightening speed I have to say.

Anyway, At the end of this adventure, I have a child who loves veggies, 3 new veggie baby foods in freezer bags and containers ready to be enjoyed, and my pride has grown a bit. I made food my daughter loved! and is sooo good for her! And honestly, it was sooo much easier than I thought it would be! (although I may try to do it at different times so she doesn't get frustrated in the future).

So our next culinary goal....Lychee and Mango! (and perhaps mushrooms?)