Thursday, April 23, 2009


So, I guess we should start at the begining! :) You know who we are of course, Billy and Alexandra Andrews! What you might be just finding out is that we are expecting an addition to our family! We found out a few weeks ago that we are indeed expecting a bundle of joy! The due date so far is Dec. 11th!!! We have the feeling that it is girl, but of course we won't know till the middle of June. If it is indeed a girl, we have picked Aurora Eve as her name, but Kahlan Abigail Rose is still up for consideration. For boys, Zedd(icus), Westley, and Chase so far. Yesterday marked the full 7 week mark of the pregnancy, or day 49! It is so exciting to feel the bump, and realize that our little miracle is in there, growing, beating it's heart, wiggling around, and starting to look like a little person :) We've already had our first doctors apointment and ultrasound (just to make sure the sack was in the right place) and have started all the rituals to getting baby ready. We've already looked at tons of baby stuff, and of course bought a few cute onsies! We told our family and friends about a week after we found out (well, some the day after!).

Amazingly, My (when i say my, I mean Alexandra(sasha) cause I'm the one typing) sister Tiffany is 9 weeks ahead of me! So we get to do this together which is so wonderful. I couldn't think of anyone that I'd rather be sharing this expeirience with! She is wonderful and it's tons of fun to look at baby stuff together and share all the joys. My goddaughter and neice, Tiffanys daughter, Jasmine is SO excited about becoming a big sister and big cousin. Well, i guess that's a fair into into our little journey! I'll post some fun week 7 trivia later today!

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