Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Quick 35.5 week update!

ok, so as you all know, we have a new due date! Dec. 4th (I still think she'll be here on the 1st of Dec. personally) and at my midwife appointment on Monday I was measuring 35.5 weeks and she is healthy as a horse! Getting big and WOW is she strong! people can see her move from across the room now, literally.
ok, so I'm off work early (going to finish the nursery now!! yay!) so here are some QUICK stats:

*she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds
*kidneys are fully developed now
*her liver can process some waste products.
* Most of her basic physical development is now complete!
*her sucking reflex is almost fully developed!
*lungs are between 85-95% developed and ready to be used.

basically, its JUST a weight game now! whoo hoo!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

oh, and a taste of the Week 30 Pics I did with Henry

30 weeks pro

New Updates! New Due Date!

Friday: had our ultrasound and ROFLLOEONL my daughter can apparently tickle me from the inside! HAHAH, she was just rolling her foot across my side and it made me jump and laughout loud. My coworker just looked at me like I have two heads or something.ok sorry, ultrasound, here are the new stats:

I have a new due date! Dec 4th! She is measuring 4lbs 9oz and has hair! We got to see her face and WOW is it defined! we can already see that she has my upper lip shape and adorable cheeks and a cool combination of mine and Billys nose! :) It was amazing! She is head down AND facing the right way (towards my back) so we're a perfect go for the home birth! YAY!She still has LONG legs of course and wow can she stretch them out!

Friday we started to unpack the crib, which also meant Billy shifting a lot of furnichure around so we could see what worked best. Which he did without a word of complaint. THEN I said, well let's start putting it together, and he said "aren't we painting first?" now this from the man who HATES manual labor! I spun around "paint? you would paint with me?" "well yeah! I mean she should have pink and stuff, not this green and blue! of course I'll paint with you!" you should have seen the tears of joy lol. So we picked out how we wanted to paint her room, went to MICHAELS, THE CRAFT STORE!!!!, and picked out some stencils for the border and Billy picked the colors (it was soo cute). THEN went and got the paint, again Billy picked the wall color :)

Saturday (yesterday): I went and got the mac and when I got to the house my uncle was weed wacking (thank you!) and Billy helped me get everything out of the nursery so I could prep it. I took off the baseboards and then Nikkie came by and helped me tape everything and then even stayed to help Billy and I primer! Then Billy and I did the first coat of paint to the walls before bed last night.

now I'm sittin here at work, thinking about finishing the nursery and the baby shower and changing my maternity leave schedule since I am now due sooner! :) Just thought I'd share w'/everyone!

and everyone, please say prayers.. my mom is fighting to keep the house right now. There may be a couple of resources that she is looking into and this is something that is really stressful for her. She is carrying on like a trouper but the more positive thoughts and prayers we can send her way, the better!!!

ok, so baby facts: (let's recap)
*4lbs 9oz as of Friday so by now.. 4lbs 14oz or so
*has hair!!
*skin has gone from red to pink
*she is storing Iron in her liver now
*17.5" long now! WOW!
Week 33 Pinapple!

She has gotten SOOO strong! OMG! She can be seen across the room now when she rolls, punches, kicks, ect.. It startles me ALL the time now! I can't count how many times she's made me jump in the last week!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Week 30!!!

yay! only 6-10 weeks to go! AHHH!!!! :) I'm uber happy about it though! She has some cool growth things now to fill you in on:

*she weighs 3.4lbs or so
*over 15.75" long, with her previous measurments, I'd go with at least 16.5" right now!
*her bones are starting to harden a LOT, and calcium is building up nicely
*her eyes are getting more and more sensitive and the receptors to the memory sections of her brain are strengthening daily.
*she has a nice little layer of brown fat on her body now, which is helping her regulate her own temperature!
*all the Lanugo(ok i spelled it wrong) the fine hairs covering her body, are falling out now so it'll just be her soft skin when she comes out! (well mostly)
*Her hair (on her head) is getting longer and thicker!
*her eyelashes are fully in, as are her eyebrows of course
*her hearing gets better and better everyday and the links to the memory part of the brain there are fully developed.
*Oh! and she can produce tears now too.

Now the size of a :


haha, I swear this is ridiculous.. My vegan kitchen is almost complete!

Made the big decision!

So, this week has been a plethora of changes that will affect me in the very near future! Some are small, like telling my mother that very soon I will not be handling her finances, as it has gotten to be too much on my plate. :) Which she took beautifully! And telling my uncle that he had to get all his stuff out of our garage because I need to be able to use it, to be able to pull in when it's cold/snowy with an infant. He has till monday to get it all out before I go get a storage unit and move it myslef! lol. But the two BIG decisions were these:

1) I am going to part time as of Nov. 1st. I was originally going to work full time until Nov. 15th and then go to a day a week until Dec. 1st. I realized that the idea of that has been making me feel more and more nervous, like I won't get things done that I need to do before she's here! I've had such a strong nesting urge as it is, and I was going crazy trying to figure out how it was going to work. Especially if she comes at 36 or 37 weeks instead of 40! That would mean she'd be here around the 15th or 20th of nov at the earliest.. That's only 6 weeks from NOW! So I told my boss that I needed to go to 3 days a week starting on the 1st of Nov. And I am leaving all together on the 15th of Nov. That way I (hopefully) get at least a couple weeks to get ready and RELAX! Until then, I'm pretty much working 7 days a week. Either at the resort, or doing shoots, or on the house and teaching.

2) We fully decided on a homebirth! Yup! I get to have my water birth! It's funny, I thought that once we made the choice, I'd get more nervous about it. I'm actually LESS nervous about a home birth then I was about the hospital. I feel so much more "right" about it. It can truly be very calm, and fun, and about US not us and the other 8 couples delivering down the hall. No pushy nurses, no chaotic docs or settings, I get to do things at MY pace, my husband is not going to be asked to "get out of the way" or leave. My sisters will be welcomed not pushed to the side. I can walk around naked lol. We can video tape the birth. And yes, we are. And yes, I will be posting it for women who are considering home water births so that they can actually see what it is like and make informed decisions. I was only able to find 3 videos on youtube that were at all helpful and I respected those women for sharing! And as a doula I can add some great voice over stuff to the labor/pushing parts that might help other moms too. :)

The hard thing about this was my appointment with my DR. (obgyn) yesterday. Where I had to tell her that I had chosen a homebirth and midwife instead. I wanted to keep her as my Dr. I have been happy with her care, I just have a very slim chance of her delivering me to begin with, and that's not the type of birth I've wanted anyway. She told me that while she will maintain as my GYN, she will not see me until 6 weeks post pardum. And that includes if I were to develop anything that would keep me from being ABLE to do a home birth. She told me I could find a different practice, they will not take me back as an OB patient. That was kind of hard to hear. Especially as my midwife was so willing to work with my Dr. Oh well. I still feel great about my decision.

I really am looking forward to a HAPPY and FUN birth! Which it seems my old Dr did not think was possible and even Billy thinks that I'm reaching a bit with that idea. But I truly truly believe that I CAN have a great time during labor and birth. I have faith in my body being strong, capable, and willing to do the work involved. Now don't get me wrong, I KNOW that it will be hard work! But I don't believe it has to be screaming agony. My goal is to have her with no yelling, no screaming, and not once saying "I can't do this". I want to be laughing, singing, smiling, and yes I'm sure the occasional Groan will escape me. Heck it does when you're doing sit ups! I guess I'm just hoping that my support team agrees with me and gives me those focusers and encouragments during the journey.

Allyson (my doula and very close friend) started our childbirth classes two weeks ago. I really am getting some great new ideas and tips and feeling very empowered through them. It's nice to be reminded that your body is built for this and being given so many different ways to help it do the work!

It's amazing to think that in 6-10 weeks, I will be holding my DAUGHTER. I will have a daughter! I'm so amazed and also so ...curious? I mean I can imagine to an extent what that will be like... but I truly have NO idea what that change will be like in reality. I mean I'm going to go from being a "carrier" one minute to a MOTHER the next.. Yes I know that I am technically a mother now, but I'm not doing any "mothering". I'm simply growing her, enjoying her movement, talking to her. It's going to be SUCH a dramatic life change.. one I can't even fathom. Hope she likes me! :)