Sunday, July 26, 2009

it's a .......GIRL!!!!!!!

we had our big ultrasound at 19weeks 5 days and we got the amazing news! It is officially Aurora Eve, our little girl!
girl girl girl!!!and... it's a.....GIRL!!!

and we got some amazing shots of her face too!!
19w 5d she was snuggling in19w 5d face!!!19w 5d face she was talkin' lolPhotobucket
of course she doesn't really have any body fat so it still looks a little skeletal but isn't that awesome?!?!?!

and we got the traditional shots too:
19w 5d profile (yes she has a neck lol)

and look at this one with her eye looking all crazy!!

and this is one of my favs lol, she was pointing and laughing at the ultrasound tech trying to get her to move haha!!!

her Auntie Amber and Auntie Tiffany and her cousin Jasmine were with us for this ultrasound and it was awesome! She was kicking and "talking" (moving her mouth open and closed ect) sooo much! And we found out that the circumference of her head is now over 4"... oh geez! That makes me a little nervous but I think I can do it! She is going to be so amazing and I just can't wait!

Billy and I are so excited to have a girl, we have both been hoping so hard for one and low and behold, here she is!!

I started doing the nursery a bit this week, just the bare bones of clearing out my office stuff and organizing the furniture a bit, we still have to paint ect.. but it feels good making progress!

oh another fun thing, I have a little bit of bruising around my bellybutton from the stretching lol. She kicks there all the time too!

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